3DE Global provides World Class Structural Design and Shop detailing services.
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Author: 3deglobal

News & Blog

Kwinana Nickel West Processing Plant

3D Engineering Global (3DE Global) supplied the construction modeling and shop detailing services for the Kwinana Nickel West processing plant which is to supply nickel sulphate to Tesla for the production of next gen batteries. The project was extremely complex and showcased 3DE Global’s expertise in delivering major industrial projects.
We are proud of our involvement in creating a sustainable future.

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shop detailing company uk
News & Blog

The changing world

3DE Global has offices in 3 continents and runs 2 shifts per day in our India office.  This enables us to execute your projects 24 hours per day and enables you to deliver to the now normal fast-tracked schedules.  With technology the globe has become a much smaller place and our team is experienced in projects in Europe, USA, and Australasia.  We utilise the latest software and all work is managed, coordinated, executed and thoroughly checked by our experienced team.  We have a proven track record in delivering projects on time and within budget.  We provide obligation free quotes for any project either via the “Request a quote” button on our website or via our sales@3deglobal.com email address.

BIM Construction dubai
News & Blog

What is a BIM workflow?


What does BIM stand for?  It stands for Building Information Modelling.  What does BIM really mean?  It is not just an intellegent 3D model which is developed from the conceptual stage through to being as-built.  It  is a new way of workimg in a collaborative way in which all parties work together from one federated model.  By doing this any issues are resolved inside the 3D model instead of on site. One of the services 3DE Global provides is coordinating this model between all of the different disciplines.

We check for clashes and ensure that the required data from all parties is supplied in a compatible format.  As technologies become more and more advanced such as 3D printing of buildings 3DE Global’s role in compiling accurate 3d models for all stakeholders becomes even more valuable.  In places such as Dubai with the world’s first 3D printed office building and a target of 25% of the city’s buildings being 3D printed by 2030 accurate 3D BIM models are a crucial part in development of the technologies.

If you wish to discuss these services in greater detail please do not hesitate to contact us at info@3deglobal.com or on +971554689801 or click on the link below, enter your details and we shall contact you.


News & Blog

Outsourcing, the key to profitability and accelerated delivery

Delivering to your client’s needs has always been the key to success in receiving ongoing work and being able to grow your company.  With the increase in pace of all construction projects once your project is awarded you require a large team of resources to mobilize quickly.  Traditionally this would begin by recruiting individuals to complete specific roles and tasks on a project.  This process can take weeks or even months.  This is where 3DE Global can help.  Our large team enables us to resource all roles within projects quickly and adequately while at the same improving our clients productivity and profitability.

We provide ongoing back office 3D modeling and shop detailing services to some of the worlds most prominent fabricators, engineering houses, and drafting companies. All work carried out by us is completed under strict confidence and we shall never contact your client without your consent.

With Cloud-based sharing of models and drawings, we no longer need to send models between offices, its a seamless work flow. For more information, feel free to contact us